




Medical Field

School Project

Medical Field

School Project



Product Manager
Product Designer (ME)

Product Manager
Product Designer (ME)






DíaLife is a health companion mobile application that serves the audience with diabetes. DíaLife centers on not being a usual cold health management application but positions itself as an assistant and a mentor for the journey of individuals with diabetes. We know that diabetes is a sensitive and delicate journey and we want to be viewed as not another health-tracking application but as a companion to those who want that second hand in their journey.

DíaLife is a health companion mobile application that serves the audience with diabetes. DíaLife centers on not being a usual cold health management application but positions itself as an assistant and a mentor for the journey of individuals with diabetes. We know that diabetes is a sensitive and delicate journey and we want to be viewed as not another health-tracking application but as a companion to those who want that second hand in their journey.

Design Process

I once thought that designing a product from 0 to 1 was a linear process, but in our practice, I've come to realize it's far more iterative and complex. The journey involves continuous learning, adapting, and revising based on user feedback and emerging insights.

I once thought that designing a product from 0 to 1 was a linear process, but in our practice, I've come to realize it's far more iterative and complex. The journey involves continuous learning, adapting, and revising based on user feedback and emerging insights.

Problem statement

How might we help diabetic patient live a better live with our app?

How might we help diabetic patient live a better live with our app?


There are three main obstacles that we are most concerned about.

There are three main obstacles that we are most concerned about.

How to conduct research with diabetic patient?

How to conduct research with diabetic patient?

How does the healthcare system in the United States treat diabetes?

How does the healthcare system in the United States treat diabetes?

There are different types of diabetes; which one should we focus on more specifically?

There are different types of diabetes; which one should we focus on more specifically?


There are thousands of ways to improve user experience, but focusing on pain points and addressing priority issues is always the best choice.


Provide alerts when users' glucose levels are too high or too low.

Send notifications for medication reminders and provide users with an overview of their meal data.
Data tracking management for all available data.


• Users can search their medicine by scanning the code.

• Add the right medicine to their plan.

• Edit the medicine plan anytime.

• Turn on/off medication reminder.


Recommendations of healthy meals.

• Shake to randomize more meal plans.

• Step by step process to different menu.


Easy to register for an online workshop, which give users access to exclusive learning resources.

• Multiple topics to choose from on learning board.

• Users can collect posts and follow authors.

Primary Research

I used different metrics to collect data and observe patients.

Secondary Research

Secondary research plays a vital role in deepening our understanding of a subject without the need for direct data collection. From analyzing browsing data, we can also learn more about diabetes. From observations on social media, we can directly see what a day in the life of a diabetes patient is like.




Through social media, I saw what diabetic patients may suffer in a day.



Based on first research, I created two types of personas, each representing a different type of patient.

User Journey

By mapping out the journey, I was able to identify critical moments where DiaLife could provide meaningful support and interventions.

Target Audience

After the research phase, I believe the product should lean towards enabling real-time tracking of blood sugar levels, while also providing timely reminders to users. I have chosen type 1 diabetes as our primary persona and type 2 diabetes as a secondary persona for further refining the functionalities.

Prioritized features for MVP

I ideated features from the research into more detailed categories and also voted to prioritize the main features our app should have.

Problem Statement Update

How might we enable users to manage their blood sugar data more efficiently while also receiving support from their peers?

How might we enable users to manage their blood sugar data more efficiently while also receiving support from their peers?



Usability Testing

I conducted usability tests with players on different tasks to to get initial feedback and address any confusion or difficulty users may encounter.

Key Insights

Key Insights

Key Insights

Simplify the onboarding process by reorganizing its structure, collecting only key information.

Simplify the onboarding process by reorganizing its structure, collecting only key information.

Emphasize glucose level tracking on the Homepage, shifting from a daily task-focused module to a feature-based model.

Emphasize glucose level tracking on the Homepage, shifting from a daily task-focused module to a feature-based model.

Streamline the function to offer users to customize their own medicine.

Streamline the function to offer users to customize their own medicine.

Information Architecture


Style Guide

Logo Design


Challenge in designing for health:

Working on DíaLife really opened my eyes to how complex it is to create digital health solutions. It was super challenging but also really rewarding to figure out how to make the app both functional and easy to use, without compromising on privacy and security. Doing research with people who have health conditions, making sure the data we collected was legit, and not stepping on anyone's privacy was really tough.

I can do better in......

DíaLife still has many aspects that can be improved, including its features and UI design. From a feature perspective, I can make some processes more user-friendly and the reports more intuitive. From a UI perspective, I plan to refine the design system to make it more organized.